cooking, wine tasting and video watching.
Nicki received the DVD set and accompanying book
to a favorite series "Spain, On the Road Again"
for Christmas so we thought it would be a gas to hang
out and grab a favorite recipe from the book and watch
some of the episodes! We just fell in love with the
series when it aired late this fall. We've even talked
about going to Spain...How cool would THAT be!
Nicki and I used to get together pretty regularly
and as of late that has gone by the way side.
New year, new plans!
That leaves me with this morning to put the rest
of Christmas away because tomorrow will be a long
day, no doubt, with a limo ride to Manny's for
lunch and then to the Viking's play off game.
Anne & I are going to have a sister day and see
if she can get on TV again :)
50 yard line seats....not bad!
I just talked to Gary and they are experiencing a
blizzard out in Winner, South Dakota so no hunting
today but they plan to stay through tomorrow and
come home Monday.
I got the opportunity to go next door to Jacquie's
last night and catch up. I've missed her and it
was so great to just sit and chat. In order for us
to sit there, I brought along some of my "Boo" M&Ms
that I got from Mike & Kindra for Christmas to bribe
her husband with....Scott and I are self proclaimed
chocoholics! These M&Ms have teeny tiny Boo faces on
them and are absolutely aDORable. I kind of find it
hard to actually eat them, cuz, well after all, it's
Boo's face, ya know?
But what's not to love? Boo? GOOD!...Chocolate? GOOD!
(for all you "Friend's fans out there!)
Well, back to the task at hand. I hate to move Boo
from the tree skirt...he's so happy there.
I'm going to Spain for my brother's wedding... come with!! :D
Does he have a photographer?
I'll shoot it for free if he'll send me and put me up! :)
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