Sunday, January 25, 2009

God is Good.

I attended a new church today in Shakopee with
friends of mine. This was much smaller than the
church that I had been attending but I knew that
going in. It was so good to see Ann, Pete and
their children! And it felt great to get back to
church and the Word of God. The message today was
about living passionately, identifying obstacles,
plugging in and taking worthwhile risks. A terrific
topic to be revisited every January but particularly
for me, this message fits with my new "Sue 2009"
campaign! I see growth between me and the horizon
and I've made some might large strides already!

Change isn't aways easy but as it was put this
morning...."a calm sea does not produce a skilled
sailor." I like that. I like it a lot!

I have decided to stay on as an NILMDTS Hospital
Coordinator for both Minneapolis Children's and
Methodist but the reality of cutting back the sessions
that I preform has come to a screeching halt in that I
have already taken 2 this month.

Wedding season is fast approaching and I cannot wait!
Several specTACular venues and, well, I just love
the thought of a warm, sunny wedding day in June about
now with all the sub zero temps we've endured lately.

In a couple of days Gary and I will visit his father
in Arizona...gonna love not having to warm up the
car for 20 minutes! I had to reschedule a shoot
yesterday to to the super cold temps~Rescheduled
for Valentine's Day and should be sweet!

Now that I have removed myself from Facebook, I intend
on getting back to the seriousness at hand her on my
blog ;D

I know that this will be a fabulous year!
Can't wait for God to show me the way!
God is Good!

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