I am a self proclaimed non-book reader.
I don't know what happened to me but at
an early age I decided that books were for
school. Now, please don't confuse not wanting
to read with not being able to read.
Rest assured I can read. ;)
That said, I have to remark that I have
indeed read many books but
I also must add that they are never in the
"novel" category...I am most likely to read
a biography or a "how-to" or even a, oh, I
don't know....a DIET book or 4 (who's counting).
So I think that I'm not really convinced, at
this stage in the game, to shell out the $400
to just "look cool". For now, I'd rather get 7
tanks of gas! ;)
Moving on.
Today I am going to meet with an old friend
for lunch. His name is Dan Butter. Our families
grew up near one another and we attended then,
and do now, the same church. Dan has an interest
in photography and wants to discuss career moves
with me. I was flattered when I got the call.
I look forward to seeing him later today and I'll
share more on that tomorrow.
How about Twitter? I love that application.
Do you twitter? Staja Studios just started!
So, here's a shot I took of Pat Benatar at the Starkey Gala last Saturday.

My friend, Cheryl MacLennan, made mention that
one or more of my images would get published.
How cool is that (at the risk of tooting my
own horn!)??
Have a great day...we need the rain that's coming
but Iowa doesn't....Pray.
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