SUPER WEEK! Events starting tomorrow and will
run right up to the main event, the Gala, at
St. Paul's River Center on Saturday night.
This is going to be an awesome week!

Heather Lombardo has agreed to come along and
be a part of the festivities this week as is
Jason Stenvold. I hope they have as much fun
as I do!
Today, lots of hair and then perhaps one of
my last "official" PUG meetings.
I'm solidifying a deal with Urban Ventures here
in Minneapolis to work with them on some designs
for future media and publicity images...that's cool!
Thanks to Jacquie Boyer, my great friend & neighbor
who also happens to be a board member at UV and hooked
me up! Their big deal is later this fall. And while
I don't want to wish the summer away, they are
awaiting a response from Bill and Melinda Gates to
come and be the speakers so they can firm up a date.
Let's see, what else, My next wedding is on the
21st and the bride & groom, Jennifer & Michael, are
flying in from Massachusetts next week. Jennifer
is originally from here but they are living and
working out east. She is in her residency phase.
Gary and I sat outside last was gorgeous
and a perfect night for a fire, some wine and great
Good to talk to Dean (Gary's dad), down in Arizona too!
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