did inDEED step up in the "Operation Prom Dress".
Although it was the Palomino that picked up the
tab for the dress (still a phenomenal gesture on
their part!), Macy's did end up helping with last
minute alterations on the new dress to insure that
it fit just right. Nice job Macy's. You should add
another red star to your logo! :)
Okay, today I am off to photograph my good friends
and colleagues at a park in Minnetonka.
The Thon family. They have never done a family
portrait (so typical of us photographers to never
actually get in front of the camera...EVER!)
They asked me and I of course jumped at the opportunity.
Want to see the cutest little white kitten in the
world??? I thought so.

Oh, and it's official now...his name is "Boo".
It just stuck one day and so now I call him Boo Boo,
Boo Boo Bear, Boogaloo, Buggaboo and the list goes on.
He is a pile of purring, snuggly fluff! LOVE him.
Hobie and Katie can tolerate him for an entire day now!
Gary's golfing today and we will hook up later for
dinner out...we deserve it, I feel I haven't seen
him in a week!!
Tomorrow I am on call all day for NILMDTS and oh
my gosh, it's almost JUNE!!!
LOVE him too! I have to come over for a visit! Maybe I'll bring his sister over?
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