Randy Jackson!)...
Melissa Chepokas, sister to Mitchell of
The Miracles of Mitch Foundation, recently
turned 18 and decided it was time.
Click HERE...kind of makes me want to
get a tattoo now!
Oh, wait, can't...just got a kitten.
Oh but it could be a kitten paw!!
Today, Danza, the twin sister of a baby
girl who passed away early January is
having surgery. She's having a gastrostomy
feeding tube put in her stomach today (kind
of like Hobie's PEG tube)
and then can finally go home.
This is a family that I served with NILMDTS
and they have requested that I join them
for the homecoming. How awesome it that!!!
I'll keep you posted on Danza's journey.
okay...check THIS out!
The Honorable Norm Coleman
United States Senate
320 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-2303
Re: For Photographers - Opens the Floodgates to Unauthorized Use
Dear Senator Coleman:
As a constituent, a photographer and a small business owner, I am writing to express my grave concern about The Orphan Works Act of 2008, as written in H.R.5889 and S.2913. I strongly oppose this legislation and cannot emphasize how devastating this will be to my business and to thousands of small business owners around the country if enacted in its current form.
First, I would like to make clear that I am not opposed to the use of orphan works by the cultural heritage sector for noncommercial purposes, or by museums and libraries for preservation and education. But this legislation, which is written so broadly, makes no limitations for these purposes, and instead, dangerously exposes my images to infringements while stripping me of any practical means to protect my work.
As a professional photographer, my work is my life.
My photos are reflections of my work. I love what I do and I currently have the protection of copyright.
I cannot imagine the loss I would incur if the Orphan Works
took hold. Please vote against this bill.
This legislation is the single worst development in the history of our medium and profession. I ask you to consider the very real harm this bill can do to existing businesses. Please vote against this bill unless it is amended to precisely define an orphan work as a copyright no longer managed by a rights holder.
Thank you for the opportunity to submit my concerns to you on the proposed Orphan Works legislation.
Susan Austin
oh and lastly....

1 comment:
I need to come visit that little motor boat you have.
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