can't all be perfect and I've had a few in my
life. Some birthdays sunny and 80, some with
blowing snow and 30. I guess if given the choice
between rain and snow, I'll take the rain.
It'll wash away the last of the dirty snow.
And anyway....April showers, right?
Oh, and remember how I said I like birthday
phone calls? My phone is working overtime
this morning but not with calls...all texts!
I can hardly keep's pretty funny!
Thanks for all the messages everyone!
Gary hates my Wellies, and I intend on wearing
them today. This is one of those days just
made for wearing rain boots! Gary always
says, "you're not really going to leave your
pants tucked into those are you?" HA!
I have 2 pair, one with hearts and one with
flowers. I think I should start a collection!
I got a lovely gift from Owen and Reese.
They purchased a gift certificate from Shootsac.
There were 2 covers that I loved that I wanted
to add to my collection and so I already
ordered them this morning when I got up!
I got "Spinner" & "Festive"!! Can't wait for
them to arrive! Thanks Owen & Reese!!!!
Last night everyone turned out for Tim & Laurie's
25th wedding celebration out at Dahlgreen Golf
Club out in Chaska. I grabbed a shot of them
before guests began to arrive.

I think that Gary and I are planning a dinner
out tonight...nothing big.
Tomorrow, Nicki and I are going to go out to
IKEA for birthday meatballs. We've started a
new tradition! I like it. Besides it's such
a crazy, fun store and once a year is good
for me!
If anyone else wants to come along, give me
a call or shoot me an e-mail! :)
Well, back to my soggy day.
Think I might grab a couple of cats and pop
back into bed.
Happy Birthday Susan!
I love you!
I want to come for birthday
meatballs too, sounds good!
What time are you heading out?
Happy Birthday Sue!
Hopefully we didn't damage your ears :) We hop you had a great day.
- Jason, Stacey, Laruen, and Ian
10:30.....guess IKEA later! :)
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