Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Busy work.

Set up a new "white board" system for
myself to keep me on task with all of
my photography projects. This is a
fabulous tool for ANYone! For me,
in particular, because I am a list
person and a task oriented person.
Why is it that we (maybe it's just me),
get such a sense of accomplishment
out of crossing something off of our
"to-do" lists?? I think I may have
mentioned that I have a tendency to
write things on the list that I did
but were not originally ON the list...
just to cross it off. Sad. I know.
Is there a 12-step program for that?
Like a "wanna-be over achievers Anonymous"?

Looking to going back to the Chicago
area the first part of June for a Bella
seminar led by Bob Davis & Bob Ringham.
The wedding season is upon us and I am
just getting so excited!
I have many Bella weddings and my own
to shoot. Lots of new things coming.
This is a really growing, great time for
Austin Images!

That said, I'd better get to work on
Nancy & Rick's images.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That list thing .... where you include jobs you have already accomplished - just so you can cross them off? heh heh ... you get that from me. And it's not such a bad thing. I'm just sayin' ....
