It's taken this long to find a free WiFi
connection down here. Sorry, but I hate to pay
10 bucks a day to zip off a blog!
NOW I'm running low on power, but as long as I
connect at the NEW BAR at the Mimi del Mar-
That's right! they have a new bar at the Mimi,
it's just 3 months old-and they have free WiFi here
but Gary always gives the "look" when I want to
haul my laptop...he thinks that people will steel it~
pero, puedo blog del aqui! (but I can blog from here.
Okay, enogh of that.
sorry for the delay, here are some photos from our
stay thus far...
Our room at Lunata..

the new bar at the Mimi!

Nedi's ninos a el casa Miercoles a noche...
Left to right...Jose Maria..7. Indiana..12, Talisman,
almost 4 (July)..

Our meal that evening at their home.."pasole"!
A gorgeous sopa con pollo y pork.
running out of power, sorry...the internet is very
slow and it takes a long time to load stuff.
We are well and loving it here. It's cooler this
trip but the beer is a perfect drinking temperature!
Today, I witnessed something unique to Playa del Carmen~
This afternoon, about 50 people came tgo be baptised
at the beach..I ran and got Gary's camera so I cannot
post those photos until I get card reader here
for that one..
Oh, Stacey & Jason...the other night I saw a gal with
a "puffer" ( Fong)..on her flash on the street!
I took a photo from our balcony..thought that was funny!
Well,I should go now.
Having a fabulous time...Playa is getting expensive but
the beer is alway a good price...
Sorry to worry you all..time for my massage, Manuel is
giving me the "you're up" look....
I'll blog more tomorrow...
OH, and NO rain today..super beautiful..the forcast was
for all rain today...NOT!!
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