to head out yesterday to get my Mom. Sorry.
Happy Easter everyone!
Saturday night Gary and I went out with our good
friends & neighbors Jacquie & Scott and Ron & Cindy.
We went downtown to dinner and then to the Wolves/
NY Nicks game at the Target Center. Oh what fun
we had!
First the Palomino for an early dinner, then the
game, then for a bump at Bellanotte after the game.
Here's some of the fun...

Wolves won.

(All shot with my 10D and my 50mm 1.4~
You see, they won't let you in with a big 'ol
camera and lens. The lens can be no longer
than a drivers license or credit card so I
usually don't even bother. But I'm glad
I hauled it with this time!)
I'm so grateful for our friends and lucky to
live so close. Thank you Ron & Cindy for the
great times and Thanks Scott & Jacquie for taking
time away from the needy, new puppy, Jet.
Wouldn't have been the same without everyone there!
13 days 'til my birthday!!!! :)
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