anne said, "hey, gary's gone...why don't
you come over for a scrummy dinner?"
i said..."what scrummy did you make?"
she said..."ribs in the crock~pot, squash
& veggies."...hey, ya don't have to ask me twice!!
it was indeed "scrummy", my plate was empty!!
i also took ben for an hour & a half driving
lesson while the girls were at gymnastics.
he just got his permit card in the mail and
so we jumped in my car and drove around.
i had him get gas and then we hit a warehouse
area and whipped some shitties...just kidding, anne!
seriously, ben did a nice job of driving and
in the dark pretty much for the first time.
today i am meeting with karen fernow (executive
director for the miracles of mitch foundation)
and the new grant coordinator/program manager,
bob belbeck...also a photographer i'm told.
we are meeting at the hilton for a late lunch
to go over introductions and vision then welcoming
2 cancer families around 4pm.
prepping for j's hair/photo shoot on sunday.
looks like it'll be a perfect day!!
i think i'll take her downtown or something
totally different! canNOT wait.
say, that reminds me, i've added another blog
to my "check these out" list. it's called
"GET GLAMOROUS...this one will keep you busy
for months! seriously!
happy friday everyone!
i'll leave you with some random images...

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