(nilmdts) at a woman's home to be apart of
her "pregnancy" shoot...or "belly" shoot to some.
this woman is nearly full term and is expected
to deliver around thanksgiving. hmm, thanksgiving
seems an odd time to give birth to a baby that
is not expected to live.
now, i don't know the particulars of this baby
but what i do know is that heather is hand picking
me to meet the mom today so that in the event
that heather can't be there for her that weekend,
i can be and she will feel more comfortable.
heather is very loving and giving. she will do
most anything for these mothers and their families.
i love her and what she stands for.
later today, some fun.
we are all gathering to celebrate "j's" birthday!
hey, i just realized that i forgot to turn the
clocks back last night before we hopped in bed!
yay! i have another hour...this is sooooo cool!
i am always so on top of that every year and for
some reason, it just slipped my mind!
hmmm the gift of an hour, what shall i do?
why i could go lay down with the cats...
i could go to the gym.....
i could sit on the computer some more...
i could book my flight to cabo...
if i play my cards right, i can do 3 of the 4!
get hobbie on my lap and book my flight (which
would also count for spending more time on the
computer!)...i'll hit the gym tomorrow! ;)
oh, and here are a few shots of the busch family.
they are hosting an exchange student from denmark.
a really fabulous family. lots of love.

the colors at the arboretum were simply maxed out
that day. it was a perfect morning. thanks busch family!
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