the recap on cindy's party last night
goes a little something like this...
i went knowing that i would have fun,
drink some wine, snack on some goodies,
talk to all the gals and even take some
photos~oh sure, i did all that AND i
ended up purchasing 2 rings!!
i absolutely LOATH waiting!
"here's all the really fun~gorgeous
stuff that you can have..." 3 weeks!
i'll still love them when they get here!
thanks again, cindy for a great time.
ron & cindy (& reggie)

i forget this little guys name but he tagged
along to the party and stayed pretty darn late!

gary just called. he got three birds yesterday!
not that that excites me any but i told him that
when you go out there every other weekend you're
bound to get good at it, right?!
the snow that is to hit us tomorrow will, of course
hit them first and so they are considering heading
back early so they don't have to follow it all the
way back to minnesota on sunday and we are expecting
a PILE of snow. the first big snow of the season.
pretty cool really....on december 1st an all.
that should get everyone in the Christmas spirit!
i'll be posting images of that tomorrow! :)
i have several families that are waiting to take
"snow" photos and so this may turn out to be a
very busy weekend for me! :)
i head to the Hilton later today. 2 families are
checking in for the weekend
Go get ready for the snow!!!!!
(i'm sorry, i forgot to post photos of Uta
and her new "do"! what a treat for me to
meet her and cut her hair. Uta returned to
germany this morning...hope to see her again!@
thanks, ann conrad, for bringing her by!)