Monday, September 10, 2007

catch up...

okay, this is one of those rainy days
that you look forward to so you can
catch up and get stuff done, right?
well, the list is long so i got up early!

i present you with about 22 images from
my wedding on saturday with my fabulous
new friend and colleague...megan bearder
out of chicago. i don't know about her
but i, for one, had an absolute blast!

(oh, and for the's not going to
rain today as's going to be sunny
and does that work??)

here's the biggest news ever!!
no, i'm not pregnant...altho' that
would indeed be big news!!
however, on to the next biggest news...
so, i go up to brooklyn center and
meet up with kathleen smith to "man"
the nilmdts booth at the mppa conference.
whose booth is right next to ours????
"national camera"! dave johnson is running
it. and i said "i'm #2 on the list for the
mark III!!! i'm so excited!"
and dave goes..."well, i can get you one
right now!" and i go..."what?"
seems dave has a mark III set aside for
a guy who is waiting on an insurance check
and he is going to let me take that one
and put the other guy in my place @ #2!
i KNOW!! i TOLD you it was the biggest news!
i'm going to go up and pick it up tomorrow
as dave is still at the show through today.

tonight is going to be like Christmas Eve
when I was 8 and couldn't wait to get
my barbie camper!! :)

well i'm going to cut this one short so
that i can complete an album and finish
up some senior portraits so that when
i pick up my camera tomorrow i can play
a little!!

dean and lois....did you make it back to
arizona yet???

thanks for the loan on the cabernet last
night jacquie. i'll have a return ready
when yo get was really delicious!

gary and i are celebrating out 9th
wedding anniversary tomorrow! we're going
to celebrate next weekend.
we have ordinarily gone out to northern
california for our anniversary but i scheduled
a bella wedding this past saturday so we are
going all out NEXT weekend instead!

don't let anyone work harder that you today!

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