man! where has september gone?
monday is gary's birthday and as he often
does with me, i spilled the beans about his
gift last night while we sat around our fire
pit with some yummy cabernet.
now this may seem strange or come across
like we're some sort of slobs but this is
not the case. my friend, jacquie, is always
bragging about how great her cleaning lady is
and so last monday i popped over and introduced
myself and asked her if she could arrange a day
to come and do our house for my husband's
birthday! and can i just tell you that gary's
face lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning!
he wants to start preparing right away!
now, like i said, we are far from slobs but
that said, it seems that the entire house is
never clean all at the same time so gary,
being the anal one in the marriage, is just
beside himself with joy! this is not something
that he would have done on his own so i
decided that a push was in order...yay me!
clean house and happy spouse all in the same day!
thanks jacquie.
here's reggie. i played with he & lulcius
again yesterday afternoon...

lucius wouldn't behave for the camera.
what have you done to him jacquie!??
when i get close he gets up and runs away!
i'm leaving to go meet owen and kiki at a park
for their play group. i haven't seen him or
kindra in a while so in that i have a little
time this morning i'm going to join them.
and later today i'm off to the hilton to
greet 3 cancer kids for their minnesota miracle
have a great friday!
1 comment:
Cute puppies!
Makes me want to get one.
Well, maybe not.
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