tired of unsightly blemishes and
pimples that just invite you to pick
at them until you have to cancel out
on a fun night with your friends!?
well,if you are in your teens,
listen up..if you are in your 20's or
30's...have a seat. and if you are
like me, in your 40's and dealing'
with one form or another of adult
acne...i'm sooooo sorry!
but not anymore! this is it people!
can you hear the angels singing?? :)
i did not see this on any infomercial.
altho' that doesn't mean there isn't
one out there...
i actually think it might have been
in a recent issue of
MORE magazine (?).
ANYway, it's
mario badescu.
there's this little bottle that looks
like the contents have separated and
you need to shake it up...but OH NO!
you do NOT! you take a Q-tip (i like to
remove most of the cotton so as not to
waste this magic fluid of the skin Gods!)
and you dip it through the clear liquid
and pass into the pink "gunk" on the bottom.
it's weird..but when you start to get
a pimple, you just plop this on at night
and VOILA! it's just that pimple..i mean
simple!! to steal a phrase...
"the burn says it's working!"
the cleanser is nummy, and the toner is too.
i actually got a kit and it came in a nice
kelly green tote and came with a tiny
sample bag...perfect for the gym an overnite
trip....about 80 bucks with shipping and
it arrived much sooner than i expected.
and when you are desperate and count the
minutes for a package to come and it
comes early..OMG!! right ladies???! :)
so go right now and check it out.
i think i will add a special link to my
"check these out" links at the top...
i just got anne & pete's itinerary for paris.
they are going there first for pete, who
has business to attend to there and 2nd..
it's anne's birthday on the 26th of october.
lucky duck! ooo~la~la! bring me back a
real french maids costume! tee hee!
i'll be spitting my time between working
and being a mom while they are gone.
you know, like real women do. i'll get
my nieces on the bus and race back here
to work! fret about what's for dinner
and run them to soccer....UGH! what have
i agreed to!?@*@#!*! don't worry, i'll
blog so everyone is in the loop!
oh, yesterday i met
julie klaasmeyer.
what a talented children's photographer
she is! my favorite is the "birthday bash"
sessions that she does.. she actually
arranged for a gal to bring in her 1 year
old and show us what she does...it was
so sweet i thought i'd have to go to
the dentist when it was all over..
thanks julianna!
elena loves her proof slide show! yay!!
we are going to get together again so
that she can have a "wavy hair" shoot too.
looking forward to that, i think we will
get a little crazier for that one! :)