my dvd "the secret" arrived yesterday
(as did my very cute new shorts from the gap!).
i'm not certain when i will be able to sit
down and view my new dvd but soon.
my sister popped over yesterday for a foil
and a cut. my niece, amanda, came along
and she brought me a valentine!!!
(the bear she won in one of those crane
games at perkins that your parents never
let you play because you can't win!
well, anne said, "fine!, here's a dollar!
but when you don't win, don't ask me for
another one!" and she grabbed it...funny.

well, maybe what's funnier is me foiling a 6 year
old's hair to correct the summer sun that
she got with the new pool last summer...

always bucking for "aunt of the year" ya know!
gary ordered the heart shaped pizza at
papa murphy's and we had a great cabernet.
another COLD, quiet evening!
i'm told it is supposed to warm up next week...
no shi*, i'm going to mexico!! duh!#@*%*@!!
thank God at least the sun was out today!
connected with rene down at the mimi and
confirmed our stay...we're on!
thanks anne & scott & jacquie for taking care
of our children! we feel better knowing that
someone will be here with them! :)
here's some shots of the mimi...old paint job...

here's gary sitting at the blue parrot
enjoying a cold sol while i was working
a wedding rehersal..
here's amilkar...he works the front desk
for rene at the mimi del mar...super nice!

and lastly, here's tim & kristie from
portland..they arrived there yesterday
we'll hook up with them when we get
there next week...

getting mighty excited about the trip.
meeting my friend jess tonight...she
designed my logo for she is
with tom on a trip they hooked up with
us on in playa 2 winters ago..
okay....that's enough for now.
happy thursday!
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