now i'm a native minnesotan,
but this cold stuff gets old
real fast. i've been pretty
patient these past few days but
enough is enough. i don't need
"global" warming just minnesota
got an e-mail from kiki last night.
owen needs another hair cut!
he's not even 2! i had to cut
the "mullet" off a month or so
ago and now it's long again!
hobie update...
he's doing great here at home.
doing his thing, taking his meds,
cuddling like he's never cuddled
before. he's constantly on us!
love that. i feel like the next
words should be that he pooped on
the big potty or something...
i mean these ARE our children you know!
i'm arranging for a visa machine!
now families, brides & grooms and
high school seniors can throw their
fees and purchases on their cards
if they wish.
i really wanted this in place before
spring so it's nice to have that done.
another long hair day for me today.
lisa is coming later today...she's the
buckleup1 gal. i've got her bringing
along some more of her buckles for me
to take a look at. i need another one!!

she doesn't do parties but seriously,
i think i should have one. i just love them!
you would too!
make it a great day!
do something different! :)
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