today is trash day in that Christmas
was yesterday. we NEVER have this much trash!
hosting Chrismas makes for a lot of garbage!
i have been sitting on my cf card for 2 days now.
i just loaded some Christmas images onto
the G5 so here are a few highlights from
Christmas Eve at anne & pete's.
ben, amanda & emily opening gifts from
their parents before eveyone got there......
ben's snow skate...
amanda's?????(i have no idea what this was but
she was pretty excited about it!)
emily's littlest pet shop...
nicki, scott & anne...
tim brought over some old photos of our family.
here's scott taking a little walk down memory lane....
spice starting to get into things...
amanda took this one!

more crazy cousins...

uncle tim rolled doubles in the dice game
and decided to grab owen instead of a
wrapped gift!

kiki & owen....
an annual thing for my pyromaniac brother..

end of the night, ben finally got the ball on the tee!!

have a great week!~
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