gary had a much better day yesterday.
still pretty confined to the porch and
i'm certain that he'd love to get in the
shower at this point...good thing i have
a shampoo bowl! :)
we'll change the dressing today and
get a look at his incision....YIKES!
ran into donny rix last night at anne
& pete's. he was there having a "bump"
with pete. donny mentioned that he
is in the running for a rotator cuff
surgery so i stayed and chatted with
him about some stuff and gary's goings
i was at anne & pete's cuz anne and i had
to do our annual cookie bake, shopping run
and we had to do it last night cuz she's
flying to arizona today and won't be back
until the day we start and we like to get
that out of the way before we actually get
into the whole process.
friday night proved to be the night to do it
too! NO one was there. we usually go on the
monday morning that precedes the weekend
that we bake....this is really quite an operation.
i brought my camera along and got a couple
of shots of us shopping..apparently cub foods
doesn't care if we take photographs in their
store! most places these days find it suspicious
and at LEAST ask why you have a camera...ya know?
not these folks.
here's some of the big fun we had at cub foods
in excelsior last night....

making an oatmeal cookie this year
that's new...

make sure all the eggs are in good shape...

be sure to bring a list and STICK TO IT!!

gary ordered a new sling yesterday...he's having
it overnighted so that he can have it today....
he's pretty excited about it!
oh, get this....
i went out to get the paper and gary's
sling was at the door already.
i mean.....holy hanna, couldn't they
have gotten here any sooner?
that was nearly same day.....
from california!
gary's mom is working on a custom
shirt for gary so he won't have to lift his
left arm...we'll market it if all goes well! :)
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