Monday, December 17, 2007

congrats to anne...

yesterday marked my sister's 9th month
of not smoking! way to go anne!!
i knew you could do this!

mom is doing great in her new condo.
i've got to get back over there
this week and visit!!! :)

nicki's hair turned out fab yesterday
i forgot to take a photo in that
i needed to go back and adjust the
color so we ran long and she needed
to get time i see her
i'll snap a photo.

today i ran my tail off.
first at the gym with Sherri (trainer)
then all over the city to complete
the Christmas 2007 shopping season.
It's so nice having monday's off.
you could not PAY me to hit the stores
on the weekends!

question for you......
as i was out today getting some
personal items as well i noticed
that you can't even BUY a plain tooth
brush anymore...when did that happen.
when did teeth get so complicated? :)

got my new iphone today too and it's
all set...same #. this thing is "all that",
aMAZing! and the real beauty part is that
i can actually read it with my aging eyes!
i can now watch a movie while on the
elliptical machine! not to mention
get e-mail on the fly and web access.
i'm really getting behind with the blogging
and i apologize.
i have to get back to the vikings game now
and see how they are doing.

enjoy the balmy temps!

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