Monday, March 12, 2007

gophers win 3-1!

picture this...
our seats are between the blue line
and the net, row 1...nothin' but
plexiglass in front of us! perfect!
altho' my ears rang for a good
45 minutes after a puck smacked
right in front of my face...i flinched
so bad, it wasn't even funny.

great game when you watch right next
to the ice...boring otherwise.
the other seats we had were 7 rows
up at center ice...great as well.
right above the gopher bench.

gary always spazzes when i want to bring
along my camera to public venues.
next time i'm going to say "sorry pal,
it's coming along!" my 2mega pixel phone
didn't really do the trick..i'll try to
get those images off soon and post them.

had a big fat burger at stub & herb's
before the game. jimbo met us there.
i don't know how these 3 do it....
they don't serve alcohol at these games
so mike and jimbo were ready to go after
the 2nd period. i said "don't you want to
switch seats with us and sit by the ice,
it's really cool!" and they both stared
at me. so there i stood looking like a penny
waiting for change! duh! they just wanted
to get back to the bar....losers!
yea, this just in......

i met with denise up at nash frame
in st. louis park. they contacted me last
week to see if i would be interested in
working with them so i popped up there
this morning and let them know what i would
need from them and they explained what they
could do for me. i'm having them frame
a couple of things for me. i'll get them
back in a couple of weeks.
they have 2 other locations but this is their
newest and i just so happens to be their
showroom and factory. nice
just thought i'd give them a try.
denise was really great. knowledgeable, friendly
and efficient! so far so good.

on the wedding front, i'm meeting with
kelly & jeff wednesday evening regarding a
friday wedding in early october.
they've looked around and keep coming back to me.
she's seen jill & jay's album (some on my site)
she just loves all the images from their wedding
that i photographed nearly 2 years ago.
by the way, jay is leaving for portugal next tuesday
to have his procedure done. please pray for all
involved and that success comes from this ground
breaking procedure. the fda is actually interested
in dr. lima's research, so pray often! spinal cord
injury paralysis are maybe going to become a thing of the
past!! jill will keep us all posted on his
caring bridge site while they are there.

my nieces and nephew are doing the big countdown
to mexico...10 more days!!
today it looks just glorious there....
click here to see the beach in playa del carmen.

have a warm week and don't forget to fill up
your windshield washer solvent!
you're gonna need it!!

about 60 here today! felt awesome!!!

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