Saturday, May 16, 2009


That's right, "Weisure".
Were work combines with leisure.
Sara France posted this on twitter late last
night and I happened to catch it this morning.

I have fallen victim to this myself in that I work
mostly from home.
I've been twittering for more than a year, I've even
twittered and uploaded images to Facebook between
ceremonies and receptions and I've also uploaded images
to both while at NACE functions, PUG meetings and
TCPPA programs, just to mention a few.

It's a way of letting folks know what I'm up to
whether it be professional or personal. And it's fun!
Gary doesn't get it (nor will he ever) and that's okay.
He does read my blog from time to time tho' and he's a fan.

I was told, once, that it's narcissistic to assume that people
care...hmmmm...well, when people respond to the things that I
post about I think that must mean that they, indeed, do.
Or at the very least have an opinion or comment they'd like to
share with me. Try it..go ahead, I dare you!

In this ever changing, fast paced world technology will
always be connecting us, informing us and educating us
and I, for one, think it's way more than a "good thing",
Martha, it's a great thing.

Enjoy the CNN article by clicking HERE

I have rescheduled an engagement shoot today due to the
wind and cold. Kate and Tom want to do some boat/water
shots and this is just NOT the day. :\

Enjoy your Saturday.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Just like you say..."Do what you love, love what you do!"