Monday, December 01, 2008

December Calm.

It's pretty quiet around here today.
Megan ended up driving home last night and
Jo left yesterday afternoon to visit her
brother in Minneapolis then headed back
to Albert Lea.

Gary and I sat and watched the Vikings/
Bears game together on the porch with
Boo last night. It was nice.

Today I will get back to work, back to
the gym and get some control of things
around here. I get to take off my hostess
hat and get to my very long "to do" list.

I'm thankful that I'm really done Christmas
shopping so I'll tend to the house, get the
tree up, deliver some final orders and
concentrate on 2009! Wow! It's December today~
I have much to do this month in preparation
for the new year. Close out books and file
stuff away. It's really been a terrific year
and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has
in store for me and Gary in 2009.

I will be closing the Studio the week between
Christmas and New Years. Any last minute orders
should be placed no later that Friday, December
5th without incurring a rush charge.
Note that rush charges can nearly double your cost.

I pray that everyone had a safe Holiday weekend!

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