whirlwind trip to Albert Lea to see Jo
that we hit the hay last night around 9:00.
I woke up around 5 and Boo was sleeping
smack dab behind me, right up against me.
I think he was happy to be in his own bed.
He usually sleeps at the end of the bed so
this was extra special for me too.
He's really becoming quite the snuggler.
The drive home was much quicker with no rain.
Boo slept almost the entire way on top of
Gary's sweatshirt in the passenger footwell.
The gray, dreary sky, cruise control set,
Boo sleeping and the wine from last night
made me a sleepy driver but, nonetheless, I
stayed alert and made it home safe and sound.
I dropped off Boo and all my stuff that I
brought along (Jo gifted me with a lot of things
as well), grabbed my camera and got back into
traffic and headed to the Hilton. Owen was
coming back for a second Minnesota Miracle
weekend. He and his family had a scheduled
MM back in April but Owen was just not up for
it so that weekend was cut short. The foundation
decided that they needed another crack at it
so this was the weekend. This one I covered
solo. The family requested that because they
had already experienced a MM recently that it
was not necessary to re-gift them with all the
usual things like balloons, gifts in the room,
Underwater World passes, Nickelodeon Universe
passes, VISAs, cameras, etc...BUT...we just
wouldn't have it any other way! So up to the
room I went with them to get my usual "secret
photos" and with hugs all around I was on my
way..another wonderful family being gifted
with a weekend to forget about cancer...or at
the very least, be distracted from it! :)
Back into the traffic...it's so dark now at 5:30!
I followed the sea of red tail lights home.
No stopping, just get home, into my jammies and
sit with my Boo.
Here are some shots from Boo's excellent adventure.
Wiper blades were a HUGE hit!
"...Excuse me officer, but I don't recall
there ever being a law against taking photos
while driving."
Jo's wheel chair was also a HUGE hit!

I brought Jo a stocking for her to have
at our house 'cuz she'll be with us for
Lizzy let Boo on the sofa, but just for a bit!
Boo decide to make himself at home.
And before you knew it, we were on our
way back to Eden Prairie.
Thanks for all the hospitality Jo!
Please thank Flora and Lizzy for us too!
Tonight I'm going with Ron and Cindy to
the Timberwolves game!
Gary comes home tomorrow.
I can't believe Boo just hangs out in the car...mine howled like mad!
The pictures at your friend's are precious--matching cats! :)
These photos made me LOL. Especially the one with the two cats on the couch. I love Boo! Yeah, just like Sandi's cat, my cat hates being in the car too! I wish Sparty would travel nicely. I would take him everywhere with me, then!
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