They live down the street. We get together
often and have some really terrific times.
Many times Ron will say to us, when the
night comes to an end,..."Hey, next time
we get together maybe we can have more fun."
And we usually do.
These two seem to always surprise us with
the kindest gestures and with the loss of our
boy Hobie, I must say, their thoughtfulness
will be forever cherished right along with their
Last night, while on a walk with their boy

they popped by with a framed image and
memorial poem about The Rainbow Bridge.
I clutched it too my chest and began to cry.
I would need more time before I could read it.
Ron & Cindy, your kindness touches us deeply.
Thank you.
Also, I want to thank my newest forever friend,
Heather Lombardo. She is the head of NILMDTS
here in Minnesota. We've done a lot together and
she is a very special lady. Thank you for taking
the time to recognize our loss. The flowers look
so alive and gorgeous. I've set them next to our
framed memorial.
Lastly, we received a bouquet from Anderson Lakes,
our veterinarian, yesterday as well. Thank you for
your kind words. I know you will miss performing
all the enemas! You are all top notch, we appreciate
everything you do for us and our precious, furry
family members!
The outpouring of concern and love from all over
the world has left me speechless.
Gary and I are both coping and doing well.
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