Sunday, November 19, 2006

canon class a disappointment...

picture this...
i head to the front of the rather
large room and share a table
with a gentleman that photographs
hockey games for buffalo.
most of the folks there own either
the 20, the 30 or the 5D.
this class was designed to teach
the innerworkings of these cameras.
not what i went there for.
i attended this class to find out
which of these models might suite
me better as a wewdding/portrait
photographer. this was not covered.

people were busy jotting down everything
the speaker said. from what "noise" is
and how to avoid it to composition to
what everything on the camera body means
and does. amatuer stuff. who knew?
well, that's 4 hours of my life i'll never
get back. lesson learned.
i'll stick to and the other
forums from now on.

vikings play in miami today...wonder if
they'll win? i guess i'm not really caring too
much these days...(sorry kip!)
it's hard to watch them week in and week
out play so poorly. this is not what
i expected from childress.
therefore, in the hopes of gaining some
time back that i lost yesterday sitting through
that canon class, i may skip watching them
play today....then i'll come out even for
the weekend! :)

update on the boxing match for january...
my sister got home that night (friday), got
on line and ordered 4 more tickets!!
so, bonsante vs vanda on january 12th! :)
this is CRAZY!

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