(I posted this on my NILMDTS blog the
other day and I wanted to share it with
others...on that blog we post details of
where we go and what we have done when
we complete a session)

Well, after what seemed like a
really long break over Christmas
from taking any sessions, i got
a call from Jessica last night...
"Can you take a Mpls Children's session
at 7 tonight? They are disconnecting
a 23 week, twin sister." I said "sure."
As I prepared to go and even during
my drive time I thought to myself~~
"I don't think I can do this anymore...
not now...i can't continue to spread
myself out." but for the time being,
I bucked up and knew that I had agreed
to take this one so I would perform as
I always do..with grace, dignity, love
of people, professionalism..and patience.
I arrived with time to spare and headed
up to the NICU...checked in and asked for
Andrea (the families nurse~who herself was
staying on after her shift to see the
family through this traumatic time.).
I walked back to bed 6 and walked around
the curtain to meet the parents.
mom was getting ready to change her little
girl's diaper and dad sat near the incubator.
We discussed the situation and what their
wishes were, as we exchanged our contact
information i noticed two women sitting across
from us at another incubator..
it was both grandmothers watching over the sister
twin that was surviving....23 weeks....pretty
tiny. I introduced myself to them as well.
everyone was exhausted, drained and so full
of gratitude for my presence.
I began to realize that God has put me here.
It was my time this passed year. I am a
faithful servant and because God has given
me the strength to deliver peace and healing
to these broken families, I will continue to
do so. I will find other areas in my life that
I can restrict to be certain that I can make
myself available for these precious many.
God bless us for we have so much to give.
We give of our hearts, our time, our talents
and our finances to do what others can't.
What we do is immeasurable, priceless & selfless.
Theses families grow and get stronger everyday
because of it.
(I thought this was worth repeating)
before I end this I want to share some fun
with you...anna, my neighbor across the street
built a snow man with the kit we gave to she
and her brother kyle.
and the snowman's name is.......Frosty! ;)