Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thanks Mike & Barb Miller!

I know I've mentioned Mike recently but I must give them
more props! Mike & Barb own The Hitching Company!
Their farm is up in Forest Lake which is where they
spend most of their "off season" (if you can call it that).
The remainder of the year, they actually have a spot
near 5th & 10th in downtown Minneapolis. How cool is that?

Mike paid me a huge compliment today (we finally got to
speak on the phone). He loves my energy (and this blog~
it's now on his favorites list...."hi Mike & Barb!") and
would like to hook up and do some business together!
So, after Valentine's Day, we are going to get together,
sit down, hammer things out and get their own blog going!
I Can't wait! :)
I added their web site to my "check these out" list...
I'll add their blog when they get that up and going!

Got Jane's Valentine's Day cards ordered today..whew!
A really fun project! Thanks Jane~see you on Feb. 24th!

Well, are you ready?? It's February tomorrow!
I LOVE when the months that end in "ber" & "ary" pass by!

C'mon spring...LET'S GO!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lisa & Shane.

I met Lisa & Shane last night at the Sofitel in Bloomington.
That may just turn into my new favorite place to meet clients.
Suzanne, who works there, said folks conduct interviews there
and meet there all the time. It's really great!
I guess I just always forget that it's there and that it's
a terrific option!

Well, this couple is having their reception there so I thought
it would be nice to just meet there and take a look at the
ballroom as well. SUPER nice!

This couple has a lot to do in 7 & a 1/2 months and I'm sure
that they would love to cross "find the perfect photographer"
off the list! I enjoyed them thoroughly and would LOVE to be
selected. Lisa had a lot of great questions for me and I love
a bride that goes after what she needs as well as wants.
They leave for Cabo on Saturday and want to make their decision
prior to departure...I'll let you know.

I got an e-mail from Mike at the Hitching Company this morning.
Mike was looking for some images that I shot at Amanda & Mark's
wedding a few weeks ago to put up on his web site.
I sent them off right away so soon they will be appearing on
The Hitching Company's web site! That's so cool.
Mike is going to put a link in for me. Thanks Mike!

Perhaps he'll use this image...

Or maybe this one....

I love this one too!

Moving on, I'm getting a wee bit tired of the cold now.
The 20's make a return appearance this weekend and thank God
for that. I have a wedding this Saturday in St. Paul.

I'm meeting Tanya Villano today to discuss the studio thing.
I really think that we could work well together and I'm
so jazzed about the possibility of studio space!

Then it's on to meet Jane and discuss her selection for her
Valentine's Day card and Party invitation images.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too cold for words.

After reaching nearly 50 degrees yesterday, we slumped
back into sub-zero temps again. It's just miserable!
I'm, of course, indoors mostly today but when I left the
gym this morning I think I actually heard my hair freeze!

We live here because????????
Oh, I know..those 3 days in the summer when it's 75,
sunny, light breeze and no mosquitoes! That's why! UGH!

Lois, Gary is meeting his PT this week about 4 times and
is seeing his regular Dr. tomorrow morning.
Gary has been on the internet too much...self-diagnosing
himself...This is a guy who's time at the computer is
usually spent making a tee time or planning a vacation!

Hey..gotta run.
Meeting with a Bride & Groom tonight about a September
wedding of 08.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Blast from the past!

Saturday evening I got together with some dear
old friends. I've known some of them for nearly
1/2 my life. When Mark called and said "Will you
and Gary join us?" I couldn't possibly NOT go.

You see, I used to work with most of these folks
back in the Rocco Altobelli days and man, did
we have some times! Mark, Diane and I all took
our places in management at the Minnetonka salon
(YEARS ago) and we all left and opened our own
place out in Deephaven. It was the greatest salon
around...FULL of energy and no corporate rules.
We were all free to be ourselves and grow our
talents, clientel and friendships all while
defending our new found selves in a law suit brought
on by Rocco Altobelli for having gone somewhere
within a 5 mile radius...CRAP!!!
Well, we survived and thrived.
This salon has gone through transformation after
transformation and now yet another...
Mark has sold it to Paul Coffee but the talent there
will not change.

I actually left about 10-11 years ago and moved my
clients to my home where I have a licensed space and
keep a 3 day a week clientel going. It's tough to
let go...too many clients have become friends and
nearly family!

Making this move, however, afforded me the opportunity
to go after my photography and for that I am eternally
grateful! It's really been a nice marriage of occupations.

Left is Diane Osborne, center is Dee Grotberg and
right is Kathy Hoese...oh, the stories!!!!!

Here's a shot of all the girls....

It was so great to see everyone and talk about the old days!
Thanks Mark, for including Gary and I, it was so much fun.

It's almost 50 out today!!! Melting, melting, melting.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Disappearing act...

I'm not sure what exactly happens to images on my blog.
From time to time an entire post of photos just plain
disappears! All I can really do is go back in and re-
place them. Cut & paste is of no use. It's really a
downer. The shots from the House of Fun & Fur were so
much fun that I've just decided to put a couple up on
today's entry instead of fixing yesterday' know,
'push forward' let the past go! ;)

So, here goes...

This is the very handsome, Ringo...and oh,
yea, he's not real excited about the pink collar.

But he loves me. He kept running and jumping into
my tripod was pretty it was his
safe place.

Here is the newest addition to the house, Daisy...

And the hostess with the very, very mostess, Jane..

Gary and I are going to spend the afternoon together.
We have decided that we will go see Juno finally and
then hit an early dinner.

Supposed to almost it 40 today and tomorrow.
So much for the ice sculpture contest at the St. Paul
Winter Carnival

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Return to the House of Fun & Fur...

Hi everyone!
I was requested to return to Jane's home and shoot
images for her upcoming Valentine's Day greeting card
and party invites. WOW! this was no ordinary shoot.

Missing in action was one of my favorite cats, Betty.
This was not her bag. Here she is from a previous session.

Never a dull moment at the House of Fun & Fur!!

Lois, Thank you for sending me the Cat book!
The one you sent me is signed to you, however.
I'm wondering if you sent me yours by mistake?
I love it! It's FABulous!!!

Tonight I am going to a party of hairdressers!
These are always fun and it's been so long since
I'be been a member of this particular group that
I'm just chompin' at the bit to get there!
Mark, my friend and colleague of many years in the
hair industry, has sold his salon (Metropolis Salon & Spa)
to one of the guys that rents there..Paul. Great guy!
I helped start that salon almost 16 years ago!
But when I moved my clientele to my home almost 10
years ago, I never looked back. I miss the hustle
& bustle every once in a while but I wouldn't trade
it for what I am doing now.
Working from my home has allowed me to foster my
love and passion for and grow my photography business.
It's just been FABulous!!

I'll be bringing the Mark 3 along and shoot the
party for Mark & his wife, Tristin.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Love old photos???

Kindra just shared this with me and I also placed a link
on Gary Fong's blog today too...he's been posting vintage
photos that he's taken in years past and I just HAD to
put it' just too figgin' hilarious!
So, go to the bathroom and bring back some kleenex cuZ
this is going to make you both cry AND pee your pants!
List of the Day is the name of the blog and this particular
entry is from last September...enjoy.

Tired of all the catalogs you get in the mail?
Are you on all sorts of mailing lists for them?
Well, this is your lucky day. If you missed it the
other day, the Today show ran a segment on ridding
yourself and your mailbox of all your unwanted
catalogs. It's not enough to just toss them in your
recycle bin...that just saves paper. Go to this (Catalog Choice) web
site and follow along to stop each catalog from being
mailed to you and you can save much more.
Save the catalogs that are sent to you because you will
need to enter the #'s off the mailing labels.
(Yes mom, you can still get your "Repulican Collectible"

Meeting with Jane this morning. I'll be posting images
from that shoot tomorrow.

Meeting with a bride & groom next Tuesday at the Sofitel
in Bloomington for their September '08 wedding
(Thanks Tanya).

I have 2 new Bella Pictures weddings on the books for this
year and I'm just ramping up for the '08 season!
It's gonna be a great year!

Thanks to Anna S. for inviting me to her play/musical
last night at Eden Lake school. The 5th graders there
sang songs about pride, differences in people and loving
who you really touched me. The message is the
same no matter the age! Thanks again. I got some great
shots and I'll post them later as well.

The warm up begins in Minnesota..FINALLY!!!
US skating championships are being held in St. Paul
this weekend! Cool!!

Have a great Friday!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Celeb 4 a day....

So get this~
I contacted the folks at Celeb 4 a day yesterday
and I asked them "why not Minneapolis?" and they replied
that they would be on the Today Show this morning.
I set my DVR to record last night so as not to forget.
I woke this morning & had received a note from Tania Cowher
(C4D) and she wrote that they got bumped, most likely due to the
untimely death of Heath Ledger.
They will be on the Today Show this Friday morning.
I"m looking forward to watching the segment! Please tune
in on Friday! Food luck Tania!!

Okay, seriously, this must be the last day of sub-zero
temps or I am no longer going to be held responsible for
my actions! Last night was the coldest night in forever!
High of 13 is expected today. At least the sun is out, right?

Cold update...I slept for and hour & a half between clients
yesterday, then I slept for 2 & half hours around 4
when I was done for the day, then went to bed at 11 and
slept until just after 8. So, FYI? I now answer to the name
of Rip Van Winkle too. I'm working on the beard. ;)

Now, are you a cat fan? Well, I have a treat for you
today...I have a client who has forwarded me the url for
this woman in Germany who attaches a camera to her cat's
neck and it takes a photo every 15, right?
Click here for the cat's photos.

Huh, if I put one on either of my cats, I'd
get comforter, comforter, comforter, butt, paw, food,
comforter, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, floor, stairs
hallway, litter box, hallway, stairs, comforter!
Not sure my cats are ready for YouTube just yet! LOVE them.

Remember the "House of Fun & Fur"? I'm going back there
tomorrow to shoot some Valentine's Day images with her
furry friends! Gonna be sooo fun!


oh, mom, I'll get some Zicam on your recommendation!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cool Stuff & Stuffy Cold...

Okay, so there's this article in Time magazine I
just ran across. You can now hire your very own
paparazzi for an evening. Here's the direct link.
WOW!!! Perhaps I will begin to offer that here
in Minneapolis!? ;)

Tonight I'm going to Hazeltine for a dinner with
all the folks that made this year's New Year's Eve
event at the Airport Hilton possible.
From volunteers to Board members...Steve and Becky
Chepokas are hosting an evening to celebrate it's
success. I'll be setting up my big monitor
and showcasing the slide show from the event.

Last night I met with Rick & Nancy. They are getting
married on April 19th. They want me to be their
photographer so we are hammering out details.

Still cold here but not for long, a warm up is on
the way...well, 20's & 30's will be a huge warm up!!

I'm beginning a battle with a bug, a cold bug.
I'm laying low and passing on the dinner tonight.
Just need to rest, I think.
This has been a very busy winter and it's just
caught up with me. I'm not myself.
Well, who the hell am I then??? Even Gary's not
sure who I am these days.
I want to feel this good...

Back to the flannel jammies.....
Sorry Karen.
Take care.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Comcast woes...AGAIN!

I apologize for the e-mail issues again.
I can't seem to get it together with them.

I'm now off to meet with a couple of
high school sweethearts that are getting
married this April 19th! I just love that!
So I have to run but here is a couple of
shots of Lauren & Ian from yesterday...
I enjoyed my short visit with them.
Next time, let's go out somewhere! :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Third 'Tynes' the charm...

I just wanted to write that before anyone else did!
As soon as he ran to the field to make the field
goal attempt, I said "3rd times the charm!"
And when he actually made it I said, "wow!...get it?
"3rd 'Tynes' the charm!!" I'm so demented!
Gary just gave me "the look""you...
are weird...and need serious help." "HA!", I said,
"You just wish you had thought of it first!!!
I just know that the headlines will read that in
the morning.......(9:30pm Sunday night)

Now it's 3:30 in the afternoon and we JUST got our
Comcast running again. I'm beginning to think that
they are not all that! I mean, I haven't had much trouble
with them, it's just that when we do it seems to
be a major ordeal!! That's frustrating.
So, again...if you have tried reaching me via this
blog or by e-mail today, please re-send your
correspondence. sorry.....AGAIN!!! Technology,
the 'ol love/hate relationship!

visited with Stacey, Lauren, Ian and Lauren's friend,
Reese, this afternoon. The roads are horrendous!
The little snow that we did get today is really
causing some major trouble. I'm glad to be home!

Gary is barking at me to get back to my taxes so
I must go and be the good wife...
Tomorrow evening, I"m meeting with Rick & Nancy
at the Airport Hilton to discuss their April 19th
2008 wedding.

Before I go, check this out.
A photo of my brothers and I from like '65.
Hey, "rule of thirds" has nothing to do with
how many subjects are in the picture!!!!! :)

Perhaps our folks just had a new floor laid
and wanted a picture of it and decided to
throw us in the picture too. ;)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Even Colder...

The temps up here in Minnesota seem to be
crashing along with the market these days.
The actual temp overnight was like 20 below.
Nothing is even moving outside, everything is
frozen still. So please, if you have to
walk your dog, get those little dog booties!

Altho' the temps were frightfully cold yesterday,
I managed to get over to visit with Mike, Kindra
and Owen. The mission?...belly shots! :)

Here's Owen, waiting for Reese in her new, perfect room!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Today's high?...A new low.

That's right folks...
ONE BELOW will be the high for today.
And again, I know what your thinking...
"Sue, why do you live there?"
My answer is "Why do folks live ANYwhere!?
No matter where you go there's heat, humidity,
wind, cold, rain, pollution, tornadoes, earthquakes,
and the list goes on...right? Pick your poison.

It's just that when you wake up an they tell you
that it's 14 below zero with a 30 below windchill
it makes you stop and re-plan the events of the
day to NOT going down to lake Nokomis and
photographing the Pond Hockey Championships!

I am, however, going to Mike & Kindra's to take
some belly shots later this morning.
Oh, I need to inform everyone that when I got
the call from Kindra the other day saying that
I did not need to come that evening (of the dr. apt.)
to do belly photos i mistook that for Reese having
turned on her own. She hasn't.
Rather than manually turning her right now the
Dr. wants to give her another week and in the
meantime, Kindra will do all things in her power
to encourage the little darling to turn on her own.
So, keep them in your prayers in the coming weeks.
I'll post some photos tomorrow.

Gary's PT is going well. He has 3 more next week
and if those can reduce the tingling & numbness
in his left arm & hand there will be an 80%
chance of a full recovery of the disc....more prayers!

Today is Nicki's birthday, we are going to gather
at their home tomorrow evening.
In the meantime, by brother Tim is having a
"Frozen Pizza Party" for the Packers tomorrow.
We're supposed to bring a frozen pizza and
watch the Ice Bowl in Green Bay...silly Tim.

I wonder if anyone will go to the Chambers
hotel in Minneapolis and watch the game in their
Ice Bar!?!

Word of the day?


Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby Reese...

Baby Reese is doing just fine.

Mike & Kindra had their weekly check up
and discovered that Reese is right where
she needs to be so there will be no need
for any manual turning...Thank goodness!

Her due date is February 6th...cant' wait!!

Reese's big brother, Owen, stopped over to
get a haircut so that Reese will think that
he is just as handsome as we all do!
It takes a bit of bribing (Betty Crocker
Tonka fruit snacks in the shape of dump trucks
and steam rollers...he knows them all!)

but we manage to get the job done every time!

15 below wind chill today...word of the day?


Thursday, January 17, 2008


WoW! Could it get any colder? YUCK!

Now I know what your thinking...
"Sure Sue, you work out of your home,
and rarely get outside."
(That's totally true!) but that doesn't
change the fact that it is just insanely
cold out!

I got a response back regarding my blast
about my e-mail woes from my uncle Mike
and his wife Peggy yesterday. That was so
fun! I hope that they check my blog from
now on to see what everyone is up to!
Growing up, once my youngest brother Mike
was born, we referred to my uncle as
"Big Mike" and my brother, of course, was
"Little Mike"...we were so clever back then!
Uncle Mike was the middle son in my dad's
family and I'm the middle in mine. a good bond.

I JUST got word that Scott & Jacquie, late
last night, made a horrificly selfless
decision to put Lucius down. I could not
even speak the words to tell Gary when he
walked in this morning (he had an early
morning PT appointment-his first one).
Please pray for my friends as they grieve
the loss of their beautiful doberman, Lucius.

We will all miss him.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

E-mail follies!

I have been trying to get to the bottom of
my e-mail woes the past5 days. I think I have
it all sorted now.
Beverly at was kind enough to
"talk me off the ledge" and get me squared
away...If you sent me an e-mail in the past
week and I did not respond to you, I apologize.

Next couple of days are crazy, I gotta run.
Gary's doing well.
Karen, the NYEG images are almost done.
I'll bring a disc and a slide show to lunch
on Friday!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

deep freeze....

Luck has been on our side, here in Minnesota,
this winter. Mild temps have been mighty
pleasing thus far.
However, the wheels just fell off...
single digits here in the metro and surrounding
areas are predicted perhaps through the rest
of January. Can't say I love it.

Gary had his appointment with a Cervical Spine
guru here in Minneapolis this morning.
The good news/bad news is that he will not
be needing surgery...YAY!! This should resolve
itself in time. Couldn't be happier about that!
The bad news is that there is no "quick fix" for
him. He will begin a long series of physical
therapy appointments on Thursday morning.
Thanks for all your prayers regarding Gary's
health and well being.

I'm going to go down to Forepaugh's in St. Paul
this week, I'm shooting a wedding there on February 2
for a really great friend of the family.
Such good friends that not only will I be their
photographer, but also my mom's date! :)

Lot's of hair this week.
Nicki's birthday on Saturday.
My cousin Kim & her son, Orion arrive today
from Missoula.
Kiki & Mike may have their daughter this week!!

Try to stay warm.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Past...

Sorry, you MUST go to this blog!

Sometimes I can't help but look up some of
the blogs on Blogger's "blogs of note" list.
This one's pretty funny!

If you've ever wondered why people lay a
string of lights on a hedge or put so much
stuff out you can't even see the house,
or if you just like to chastise folks for bad
holiday displays...this site is for you!
They give citations for labeled offenses!
Some suffer (incur) many offenses.
Be sure to check it regularly next holiday season!
Heck, I may even place it on my "check these out"
list off to the right of my entries.....

Now onto the event of yesterday, Amanda's new
do! With Mark's assistance, together, we
transformed her! Check out the slide show!

Here they are together outside my home.
Off they go on their new life together.
Have a safe trip to Viet Nam & back!
I'll have some proofs by the. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Piersak...


Amanda & Mark exchanged their vows yesterday
at 3 o'clock in New Hope and are now husband & wife!

This wedding, for me, was like photographing
a little sister's wedding. I've known Amanda for about
14 years and when shes asked me to be her
photographer I had no idea how intimate this would
be for me. I know all these people! Amanda has
talked about them all for years (I've been styling
her hair all this time!). Now I get to meet them
all and watch a slide show of her growing up and
going into the air force, meet Mark, graduate from
nursing school and see all the hairstlyes roll by.
I was really cool, I can't really describe it...
Her sister, Lori, even incorporated shots that I
took of them for their engagement session at the
very end...I was so proud of her and all she has
done in her life thus far. Amanda has really & truly
become an amazing woman. Congratulations you two.

(Sidebar, they just called and are coming at 1:00 to
have me to cut all of Amanda's hair off.
They leave for Viet Nam tomorrow for 2 weeks!)

Okay, props to Jason for coming along and covering
this wedding with me. He's a great photographer
and has a really fun eye for details and expression.
I'm certain that this won't be the last time that
we work together!
(btw..all your images finally loaded onto my laptop!)

I've got so much more to say but I promised Gary
that I wouldn't sit down here all day today and play
with the's KILLING ME not to!

I'll get to more of the wedding images tomorrow and
share more then...relax and enjoy your sunday.

(Oh, and don't think for a second that I won't
share shots of the before and after of Amanda's
new look!! that'll be forthcoming as well.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Okay, how cool is this?
I found this on Jessica Strickland's

Just got news that the little darling's
head is not down. If she doesn't adjust
herself by this coming Thursday, her Dr.
is going to move her manually and this
procedure has been know to do 3 things...
1.)break her water.
2.)cause kiki to go into labor.
3.)if her heads NOT down they may do
a c-section the following day.

So, by all rights I could have another
niece on my hands by next Friday.
That IS, if baby Lola doesn't get her
rear in gear!! ;)

I of course, just pray that Kiki is
comfy and Lola is okay!
Oh, and for the record, they are not
naming her Lola, that's just what we have
all be calling her! ;)

This morning I'm heading down to the
salon that Mandy is having her hair
done at. I so wanted to go to the
rehearsal but it was not meant to be.
No worries tho'.

Today (and last night) we are getting
the most beautiful coating of snow.
This will make the bride VERY happy!
I hope she remembers to bring an umbrella!
It's like a fresh winter~wonderland
outside. This will make for some really
terrific photos!

Have I mentioned that Mandy is going
to come over tomorrow morning and have
me cut all of her hair off!?
They are headed to Viet Nam for their
honeymoon (Mark's family is from there)
to meet family and travel and it's
sooo hot there, she doesn't want to
bother with it.
Brave girl ya got there, Mark! ;)

I'm gonna run, the snow thing could
be tricky as well as pretty!

I'll post some images early next week.
(I made a promise to Gary for 2008
I would not work on Sundays...not at
the computer anyway.)
Wish me luck with that!! :)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

Why is it that when you return from a trip
it's as if you never left? weird.

Thank you Jacquie, thank you Scott,
thank you Susie & Kip...And Anne for
all assisting with our special needs cats!
All is well and Hobie & Katie are already
fighting...good sign.

Dean & Lois, we are going to get to work
on going for a month next year and to all
of our cat wanglers out worries,
we'd bring them along! :) wheeeew!

Prepping for Amanda & Mark's wedding (1/12),
returning e-mails and phone calls.

I'm going to finish all the New Year's Eve
shots today as well and get them up somewhere.
Smugmug...Pictage...not sure at this point.
I want a clean slate when I get back from
the wedding tomorrow.

I am looking forward to this wedding.
I just adore Amanda and she sooo deserves a
perfect day! She'll get it! :)

Make the most of your Friday!!!

(p.s. how's lucius??)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wrapping up in Surprise, AZ

We head north this afternoon.
What a pure delight to come down for
a visit and on Dean's 80th birthday too!

Weather was great (low 60's), the
company, of course, was wonderful
and we even got Dean's birthday
gift all hooked up and running (with
the help of Gary's brother, Glen!)~
Apple TV!

We dined at Skye and let me tell you
what..when you go be sure to ask to
be in "Mike's" section. He was
awesome and treated us like royalty!
At the very last second before the
steaks came out, we decided that it
would be less noisy in the main dining
room and would he mind moving us....
Mike jumped into action and made it
happen. Thanks Mike, you made our
evening even more special!

Okay, the food.... Hands down the best
filet mignon I have ever had!
One size..10oz...only 28 bucks!
In Minneapolis that would go for almost
40 bucks...with NO sides!!
All 4 of us nearly finished everything!
I could hardly talk it was so delicious.
We will return again and again for certain.
Thanks again Mike.

Going to see if Jacquie can go pick up Hobie
today so he can be there when we get home
and relieve him of the trauma of one more
night with all the gals at Anderson Lakes

See you all soon.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Republican National Convention 2008

OMG! Talk about being blessed...
While in Phoenix, I received a call from
Kim Martin with the RNC.
She is looking for qualified photographers
to handle upcoming events in Minneapolis.
She was given my name and number by the
lovely Heather at Starkey...I LOVE her!

This fall I was wondering to myself...
"How can I get involved with the RNC?...
Who do I know?...There's got to be a way."

Well, I'll keep you posted.
Good things come to good Republicans who wait!
I think that's how that goes, right?

Dean turns 80 today and we are heading over to
SKYE, a really cool restaurant that
opened about a year ago here in the west valley.
I took some shot of it inside and out yesterday
and I will post them later as Gary and Dean are
working with Glen on the other computer and
(via my apple phone) and I can't access the images
that I loaded on there yesterday.

Yesterday Gary and I bummed around for bit
and hit the Luke Air Force Base and met
up with a couple of gentleman that were watching
the F-18's come in and we joined them
and I took out my 70-200 2.8 L lens and shot away!
I got some FABulous shots of these sexy~Top Gun
aircrafts! WOW!~ Loud and right over head as we
were able to sit just of the end of the entrance to
the runway...SUPER cool!

We got the Apple TV up and running and
now Gary and I are going to head out
and take a look at some homes near here.
We've been talking about coming down for
a month next winter...wouldn't THAT be

Have a great day!

Rain, Rain, Rain....

Got to Arizona and it was pouring rain!
lots of flooding around the area as the water
really has nowhere to go.

Oh, our rental car is one of the newer
Dodge Chargers...a pretty cool looking car!
not much under the hood, but who cares, right?

Headed to Fountain Hills for a little lunch
and a look at the "fountain" shoots like
200 feet into the air ~ mighty impressive.
Yesterday, however, apparently when the winds
reach 10 mph or more it won't go...bummer.

I did manage to get a shot of it before it quit,
I'll post it later.

We had a nice dinner with Dean & Lois at the
house and then off to their friend Felice's's so cute.

Weather is sunny and should hit about 60, not bad.
I talked to the vet today, Hobie is doing good.
Not so much for my sister, Anne...
When she went to pick him up yesterday to deliver
him to the vet (purely for boarding purposes),
she chased him for 40 minutes. The really
funny thing was that she had her polar heart
rate monitor on 'cuz she was going to the gym
afterwards and her watch started beeping!!!
wrangling Hobie around got her to her target
heart rate!!! soooo funny..

A little hot tub this morning and breakfast
here at the house. I left my laptop at home
so I am sitting at Dean's control center here
on Pima Trail!! :)

Well, more later.
Have a great day!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Minneapolis Children's...a confession.

(I posted this on my NILMDTS blog the
other day and I wanted to share it with
others...on that blog we post details of
where we go and what we have done when
we complete a session)


Well, after what seemed like a
really long break over Christmas
from taking any sessions, i got
a call from Jessica last night...

"Can you take a Mpls Children's session
at 7 tonight? They are disconnecting
a 23 week, twin sister." I said "sure."

As I prepared to go and even during
my drive time I thought to myself~~
"I don't think I can do this anymore...
not now...i can't continue to spread
myself out." but for the time being,
I bucked up and knew that I had agreed
to take this one so I would perform as
I always do..with grace, dignity, love
of people, professionalism..and patience.

I arrived with time to spare and headed
up to the NICU...checked in and asked for
Andrea (the families nurse~who herself was
staying on after her shift to see the
family through this traumatic time.).

I walked back to bed 6 and walked around
the curtain to meet the parents.
mom was getting ready to change her little
girl's diaper and dad sat near the incubator.

We discussed the situation and what their
wishes were, as we exchanged our contact
information i noticed two women sitting across
from us at another incubator..
it was both grandmothers watching over the sister
twin that was surviving....23 weeks....pretty
tiny. I introduced myself to them as well.
everyone was exhausted, drained and so full
of gratitude for my presence.

I began to realize that God has put me here.
It was my time this passed year. I am a
faithful servant and because God has given
me the strength to deliver peace and healing
to these broken families, I will continue to
do so. I will find other areas in my life that
I can restrict to be certain that I can make
myself available for these precious many.

God bless us for we have so much to give.
We give of our hearts, our time, our talents
and our finances to do what others can't.
What we do is immeasurable, priceless & selfless.
Theses families grow and get stronger everyday
because of it.

(I thought this was worth repeating)

before I end this I want to share some fun
with you...anna, my neighbor across the street
built a snow man with the kit we gave to she
and her brother kyle.
and the snowman's name is.......Frosty! ;)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

whose better than me today???

check this out...i grabbed this off my
Quitnet page~

My Stats:
Your Quit Date is: 5/5/2003 12:00:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 1705 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes and 39 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 34119
Lifetime Saved: 8 months, 20 days, 15 hours
Money Saved: $6,824.00

I quit smoking nearly 5 years ago!
Pretty amazing...Yay me! :)
On the anniversary day each month QuitNet
sends out a notice of accomplishment that
starts out..."Whose better than YOU today?!"
I like that....I like it ahlat (dumb & dumber)

Well, if you didn't notice, I posted a blog
late last night so check the one that's
just below when your done reading this one.

Today, I get to relax.
Gary and I have no plans. Feels so good.
Except that I almost feel like i must
be forgetting something....I MUST have to
be somewhere, right?
Nope, I triple checked. wheeeew!

I may dive into a new book that I got as
a gift from my friend Jacquie (notice that I
am beginning to capitalize for 2008!)
Anyway, it's called Chazown (pronounced
khaw-ZONE), from the Hebrew, meaning a dream,
revelation or vision...I'm intrigued!

Heck, I may save it for the plane...

My amaryllis bulb that I received from
Gary's mom on Thanksgiving had opened~
I think about a bloom a day this past week.
I missed the opening of each of them but
now it sure looks lovely... Thanks Bonnie!
I hate it when I'm too busy to even SEE
the flowers, let alone smell them!

Here's some fun from New Year's Eve at the
Airport Hilton in Bloomington, MN....

Check out the gorgeous ballroom at the Hilton!

Don Shelby was our Emcee for the night.

This is Kyle...he joined us this year.

Here's Kyle a couple years back at one of
the MiracleKids Triathlon in Chanhassen.
He was going through treatment at the time
and was attending the event as a VIP!!
I'm so glad you were there on New Year's Eve!

This is the gal that won the "birthday raffle" bike!

And the balloon drop at midnight!!